Eye-T.cz, z. s.
We can see the essentials through our hearts,
for the rest we have the ones and the zeros.
Learning is a lifelong process. Or it should be. Otherwise the human being will surely become retarded.
To visually impaired persons, who have already come to terms with their fate and are in a fair way to move ahead again, learning is almost essential. They have to learn how to use things which were strange to them and which will help them, to a certain extent, to compensate their visual handicap.
The current offer of our courses is available in Courses.
Passing ECDL tests can be of great importance to the lives of those visually impaired who have already laernt how to use a specially equipped computer. Read more in ECDL.
We can offer an accredited course for social workers. Read more in Accreditations.
You can read more about the events already held in Organized events.